India is a Constitutional Republic. The executive power is vested mainly in the President of India and the Vice President of India, as per Article 53(1) of the constitution. Broadly speaking, the president has all constitutional powers and exercises them directly or through subordinate officers as per Article 53(1). India is the largest democracy in the world. It is the only country in Asia that has remained democratic ever since it attained its independence from British rule.
What type of government is India?
India is a federal republic and is governed under the Constitution of India. India is a democracy and is ruled by a Prime Minister who is the head of the cabinet and the official representative of India. India is a republic, which means that the head of state is a President. India is ruled by a government chosen by the people and the government is divided into three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary. The executive branch consists of the Prime Minister and the cabinet, making up the highest decision making body of the country. The legislative branch consists of the Parliament, which is divided into two houses: the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. The judiciary is divided into the Supreme Court and the High Courts.
What political party is in power in India?
India is a republic, which means that it is not a democracy. It is a constitutional democracy. The President of India is the Head of State. There are two main political parties in India, the Indian National Congress, and the Bharatiya Janata Party. The BJP is the largest party and has been in power for the most of India’s history. The Constitution of India is the longest written constitution for a country, containing 444 articles in 22 parts, 12 schedules and 118 amendments, with 146,385 words in its English-language version. The constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950 and this day was declared as Republic Day.
What type of economy is India?
India is a parliamentary democracy. India is ruled by a constitutional government with a parliamentary system of democracy and a multi-party system, in which the dominant political party is the Indian National Congress. India is also a federation with 28 states and 7 Union Territories. India’s constitution also lays out a federal structure of government with three branches: legislative, executive, and judiciary. The president is the head of state, and the Prime Minister is the head of government.

Is India a democracy or a republic?
India is a democracy and a republic. India is also a federal republic. India is also a constitutional democracy. India is also a republic. India is a Parliamentary Democracy i.e. a form of government in which the real power is held by the elected members of parliament and not by a president who exists separately from parliament. The parliament consists of two houses viz Lok Sabha (House of People) which has 543 members and Rajya Sabha (Council of States) which has 245 members with 2 nominated members. India follows a parliamentary system in which the Prime Minister is the head of government and exercise most of the executive powers. The President is the formal head of state, but his role is largely ceremonial except in some cases mentioned below:
Appointment or removal of PM
Powers to summon both houses of parliament and dissolve Lok Sabha
All bills passed by both houses must be assented by President
President can use his discretion whether to refer a bill to Supreme Court for
India is a Constitutional Republic. The executive power is vested mainly in the President of India and the Vice President of India, as per Article 53(1) of the constitution. Broadly speaking, the president has all constitutional powers and exercises them directly or through subordinate officers as per Article 53(1). One of the most important aspects of Indian democracy is that it is a federal structure with power divided between central government and state governments. The Constitution of India divides governmental authority into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. If you want to do political work than you must be join our course Specialize in Politics and also you can our course details by clicking here.